We are pleased that you are taking the time to learn more about our school. Wausau Area Montessori Charter School is a public school chartered by the Wausau School District, serving children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Chartered with the Wausau School District in 2005, we are dedicated to providing a quality Montessori education for all students. We are committed to guiding students in educational experiences that will lead them to be contributing citizens in our world. Students are challenged to be critical thinkers, encouraged to collaborate across age groups, nurtured to be creative, and fostered to communicate with others.
Guiding children to become lifelong learners and global citizens of moral character.
Through the use of Montessori principles, including experiential learning and individualized instruction, we help students to achieve academic success, advance their awareness of self, encourage their responsibility to and for each other, and guide them to work together towards improving their community and the larger world.
Wausau Area
Charter School
Fax: 715-261-2035
3101 North 13th Street
Wausau WI 54403
Elizabeth Channel
Head of School
Kris Busch
Administrative Assistant
As a public charter school with the Wausau School District, the Wausau Area Montessori Charter School is afforded opportunities to be unique. However, we are still bound by all Wisconsin Department of Instruction standards and assessment expectations. WAMCS’s charter agreement with the district allows us to modify items such as curriculum, daily schedules, the length of our school day, and other items. In addition, WAMCS is required to have a Governance Council to help oversee and guide the school's operation. The Governance Council functions similar to a regular school board; the council ensures financial, operational, and educational accountability of WAMCS. Below is a list of our current council members, their role and contact information.